Conflict in OrbitConflict in Orbit Process GIFThe SwanTie Striker AceTyranids VS. Blood Angels
Swamp CastleDecker, Personal PaintingThorolund, Personal PaintingFrigate Concept for Unannounced ProjectCruiser Concept for Unannounced ProjectBattle Cruiser Concept for Unannounced ProjectCarrier for Unannounced ProjectTurbokat, Swat Cats redesignL2 Colony Space PortSpace PilotOrbital InsertionSkull and Shark Fanart (Skull and Shark created by Dave Rapoza)Clash, Collaboration with Dylan Pierpont (Right)Demonic Bushwack Splash Screen Illustration for Heroes of NewerthMecha King, Splash Screen for Heroes of Newerth
Thanks for looking! Be sure to check out my blog periodically for sketches and studies!